Balanced Menu
A healthy diet should contain foods of all groups in the proper proportions. And also that positively affect metabolism through the microbiota.
To design your balanced diet, foods must provide the three macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats and proteins – in the proper proportions. It is also necessary to include certain foods that care for intestinal microorganisms since the microbiota depends on the assimilation of nutrients or the metabolism of cholesterol, fats and sugars.
Table of Contents
1. Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes and Chilled Rice
These foods provide resistant starch that feeds the microbiota. A freshly baked pasta dish doesn’t provide it. It is necessary to cool in the fridge for 24 hours for carbohydrates to become resistant.
In addition, 5 to 8 daily servings of carbohydrate-rich foods are essential as primary energy sources. Besides, Whole-grain rice, bread and pasta, oats, barley, wism (100 g, already cooked) and fruits (one piece) are optimal sources of gradually assimilated carbohydrates.
Refined products (sugar, white bread and rice), pastries, pastries and refreshing beverages should remain avoided.
2. Foods Rich In Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fibre stays essentially found in whole grains. It does not dissolve in water and partially fermented in the large intestine. By retaining water and not dissolving, they form a viscous mixture that increases the stool volume and accelerates intestinal transit. It is beneficial because it provides a feeling of satiety and cleanses the intestinal mucosa.
3. Vegetable Yogurt
Yoghourt is the most accessible source of digestive bacteria. Soy also offers an excellent protein ratio (5g/100g). Extra varieties include coconut yoghurt, oat yoghurt and nut or seed milk.
Other sources of probiotics are kefir, miso or tempeh.
You should also complete your protein needs with 3-4 more servings of legumes (80-100 g dry), 1 of nuts (40 g of nuts, for example) and seeds (10 to 20 g).
4. Fermented Vegetables
Pickles are fermented vegetables where probiotics remain combined with the prebiotic fibres of vegetables (cucumber, pepper, chilli, onions, cabbage, etc.).
Keep in mind that the pickles you find in the shops are pasteurized products, therefore, without live bacteria. But preparing them at home is simple.
5. Foods Rich in Inulin
In fact, Inulin is one of the most effective prebiotic fibres (food of digestive bacteria). It stands in oatmeal, antibias, artichoke, yum, onion, garlic, leek and asparagus.
And prune raisins.
You can take 2 to 4 servings (about 125 g) of these foods and complete them with four more servings of fruits and vegetables. In addition to fibre, they provide antioxidant vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
6. Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fats
If you consumirconsume olive oil to season salads and cook vegetables, along with some avocado and a serving of nuts, you already get the monounsaturated fatty acids you need. Moreover, All you need to do is include 1 or 2 servings of omega-3-rich foods, such as crushed nuts or flaxseeds.
Fats are needed as an energy source to assimilate vitamins and synthesize hormones.
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