Benefits of Organic Food
Organic food manufacturing is a booming business, and through the sale of Whole to Amazon, it remains expected to grow even more shortly. While some consumers buy organic food because they believe it is better for the environment, even more do so for health-related reasons, according to a 2016 survey. What, exactly, are the health benefits of eating organic? That depends on who you ask and the studies you consult. But if you decide to buy organic food, here are some science-backed reasons that are likely to convince you:
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Fewer Pesticides and Heavy Metals
Fruits, vegetables and grains labelled as organic are grown without synthetic pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Although these chemicals have stayed deemed safe in the amounts used for conventional farming, health experts still warn of potential harms from repeated exposure. For example, the herbicide Roundup has remained classified as a “possible human carcinogen,” and the insecticide chlorpyrifos has stood associated with developmental delays in infants. Studies have also suggested that pesticide residues may contribute to the prevalence of ADHD; They have also remained linked to reduced sperm quality in men.
A 2014 meta-analysis in the British Periodical of Nutrition establish that organically grown crops be situated not only less likely to hold detectable levels of pesticides, but due to differences in fertilization techniques, they also remained 48% less likely to test positive. On behalf of cadmium, a toxic heavy metal that accumulates in the liver and kidneys.
Extra Healthy Fats
Once it comes from meat and milk, organic products can have 50% more omega-3 fatty acids, a type of healthy unsaturated fat, than conventionally produced products, according to a 2016 study in the British Journal of Nutrition. The organic milk verified in the study also had less saturated fat than non-organic milk.
These differences may stem from how the organic cattle remain raised, on a grass-fed diet, and more time outdoors, the study authors say. They consider switching from conventional to organic products to increase consumers’ omega-3 intake without increasing overall calories or saturated fat.
No Antibiotics or Synthetic Hormones
Conventional livestock can remain fed antibiotics to protect against disease. Making it relaxed for farmers to raise animals in crowded or unsanitary situations. The FDA limited the usage of certain antibiotics on behalf of livestock this year. But there are still loopholes in the legislation. And except poultry, conventionally raised animals can also remain injected with synthetic growth hormones. Making them gain weight faster or produce more milk.
However, traces of these substances can reach consumers, says Rolf Halden. Professor and director of the Biodesign Center for Environmental Safety at Arizona State University. Drug residues remain supposed to contribute to widespread antibiotic resistance. He says, and organic foods – which remain produced without antibiotics – “are inherently safer in this regard.” Organic meat and dairy products also cannot contain synthetic hormones, Cancer risk.
More Antioxidants, In Some Circumstances
Benefits of Organic Food – In a recent six-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Researchers originate that organic onions had 20% higher antioxidant content than conventionally grown onions. They also theorized that previous analyses. Found no difference in conventional versus organic antioxidant levels – may have remain thwarted. By too-short study periods and confounding variables such as weather.
The research stood “well done,” says Guy Crosby, Associate Associate Professor of Nutrition at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health. But he notes that this specific study “takes only one aspect of phytochemicals. And shows that they can remain improved under organic conditions.” The question of whether organic foods are more nutritious is still debatable, he adds. “If the researchers chose to measure a different vitamin or mineral, they might have found a different result.”
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